Don’t be Too Busy for Meaningful Friendships & Relationships with Family

You’ll End up Regretting it at the End of Life

Tristan S. Montoya
7 min readApr 5, 2024
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

People think being busy is a badge of honor. They wear it pridefully as if to affirm their self-importance.

‘I’m just too busy’ they’ll say when asked to meet or even have a phone conversation to catch up. ‘You know how it is’ they’ll add. ‘Life is just crazy’ or ‘I can’t seem to stay on top of things.’

Well, some of these reasons may be true — partially.

And other times it’s just a blatant exaggeration from someone who’s allowed themselves to get caught up in the belief that staying busy is good and relationships won’t add value to their lives.

Busy can mean productive. And since society values productivity in a “doing culture,” that’s exactly what it promotes. Sometimes that means handling our business, providing for a family, multi-tasking chores, and finding leisure time when possible.

So what about having close relationships?

I suppose that’s only possible if there’s time left over.

Or one makes it a priority.




Tristan S. Montoya

I help people stuck in the mind get into their hearts and experience the freedom of being self-expressed