Get Control over Your Shadow Self & Learn to Embrace it

How Knowing Your “Dark Passenger” Will Help You Find Wholeness

Tristan S. Montoya
8 min readApr 17, 2024
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

“We are all fractured creatures trying to become whole.”


Of all the places to extract wisdom, the above quotation came from an episode of Dexter. Yes, that Showtime series from 15 years ago about a likable serial killer who, under the tutelage of his adopted father, becomes successful at hiding in plain sight, living as a normal person despite his proclivity toward murder.

Sometimes my writing borders on the morbid. Death is part of life, as my father told me when my great-grandfather passed away peacefully. I don’t shy away from the subject because wise ones always point us toward this subject if we want to know about immortality.

The soul is immortal. And the soul wants to be whole.

We will eventually remember this wholeness whether it’s in the afterlife when we rejoin our loved ones who’ve passed over, or if we choose to do the inner work to rectify this split self from having incarnated into a body and ending up in this baffling human experience.

I’m drawn to books, movies, and TV shows exploring human nature and psychology. I’m fascinated by…



Tristan S. Montoya

I help people stuck in the mind get into their hearts and experience the freedom of being self-expressed