Taking Off The Social Mask

What the Roast of Tom Brady Can Teach You About the Patterns Keeping You in Protection Instead of Growth

Tristan S. Montoya
8 min readMay 14, 2024

Sometimes our emotional avoidance stops us in our tracks from taking action to live more fulfilling lives.

I started a 28-day writing challenge on the 6th of May.

But instead of writing that day, I succumbed to my emotional avoidance pattern and flipped on the TV for what should have been an hour at midday.

Many complex emotions surface as I engage in my chosen work. Those emotions need to be felt as they come up.

If I ignore them, they only create psychological challenges.

Patterns are operating underneath the surface of your conscious awareness that dictates what actions you’re taking — and what you’re avoiding.

Hits to Head & Blows to the Ego

After getting sucked into The Roast of Tom Brady, a 3-hour Netflix special, I came away with a lot more information about the G.O.A.T. than I ever needed to know.

But I also got some insight into the personas of highly paid athletes operating at the highest level.



Tristan S. Montoya

I help people stuck in the mind get into their hearts and experience the freedom of being self-expressed https://linktr.ee/t_montoya